July 27, 2024

So, you’ve decided to make your document look more polished by adding columns but finding the ‘Columns’ feature in Microsoft Word Online can be a bit tricky.

Don’t worry! As we explore Word Online together, I’ll show you the simple way to add columns to your document. Get ready to enhance the visual appeal of your content with just a few clicks.

Let’s dive in and transform your document effortlessly.

Benefits of Using Columns

Columns in your Microsoft Word Online document can greatly improve how your content is presented. By splitting your text into multiple columns, you create a more visually appealing layout that keeps your reader engaged. Rather than facing long, intimidating blocks of text, columns break down the information into manageable chunks, making it easier for your audience to understand.

Using columns also helps you make efficient use of space on the page, especially when you have limited room but a lot of content to share. This feature allows you to maximize the available space without compromising the overall appearance of your document. Moreover, columns can help you highlight specific information by placing it in a separate column or aligning key points side by side for easy comparison.

Incorporating columns in your Microsoft Word Online document enables you to present your content in a clear and organized manner, enhancing the overall impact of your work.

Accessing the Columns Feature

To access the columns feature in Microsoft Word Online, simply go to the ‘Layout’ tab. Click on the ‘Columns’ option to apply a specific column layout to your document.

This easy process helps you quickly organize your content into columns for a more structured look.

Accessing Columns Tool

To access the Columns Tool in Microsoft Word Online, you can find it in the Layout tab at the top of the document. Follow these simple steps to access it:

  • Click on the Layout tab.
  • Look for the Page Setup group.
  • Locate the Columns option within this group.
  • Click on Columns to see a drop-down menu.
  • Choose the number of columns you want for your document.

Applying Column Layout

To access the Columns feature in Microsoft Word Online, go to the Layout tab and click on Columns in the Page Setup group.

To apply a column layout, simply click the Columns button and choose the number of columns you want from the drop-down menu.

You can select one, two, or more columns according to your preference. This feature allows you to customize your document layout quickly and easily.

Try out different column options to see which format suits your content best. If needed, you can always adjust the column layout later by revisiting the Columns feature in the Layout tab.

Setting the Number of Columns

To adjust the number of columns in Microsoft Word Online to suit your document’s layout, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Layout’ tab in the top menu bar.
  2. Look for the ‘Columns’ option in the toolbar.
  3. Click on the drop-down menu and choose the number of columns you prefer.
  4. Select from options like one, two, three, or more columns for your document.
  5. Instantly see your document transform to display the selected number of columns.

Adding and Formatting Text in Columns

When adjusting the column width and spacing in Microsoft Word Online, you can easily add and format text in columns to improve your document’s presentation. Here are some helpful tips to maximize this feature:

  • Type Away: Start typing in your columns just as you’d in a regular document.
  • Copy and Paste: Copy text from different parts of your document and paste it into your columns effortlessly.
  • Format on the Fly: Use the toolbar’s formatting options to change font size, style, color, and alignment within the columns.
  • Insert Pictures: Enhance your columns by adding images to complement your text.
  • Bullet Points and Numbered Lists: Organize information within your columns using bullet points and numbered lists.

Wrapping Up: Saving and Sharing Your Document

To wrap up your work in Microsoft Word Online, save and share your document easily to ensure it gets to the right people. After making all the edits and adjustments, click on the ‘File’ tab in the top left corner. Then, choose ‘Save As’ to store your document in a preferred location. You can save it on OneDrive or download it for quick access. Remember to give your document a clear and descriptive name for easy retrieval later on.

Once your document is saved, it’s time to share it. Click on the ‘Share’ button in the top right corner and enter the email addresses of those you want to share it with. You can decide if they can edit or only view the document. Collaborate in real-time and gather feedback seamlessly using the sharing features in Microsoft Word Online. Now that you’ve saved and shared your document, you can be confident that your work is ready for your audience to see.


Now that you’ve learned how to add columns in Microsoft Word online, you can easily create visually appealing documents with a professional touch.

Using the columns feature helps you organize your content in a neat and structured manner, making it simpler for readers to follow.

Experiment with various column layouts and formatting options to discover the best design for your specific needs.

Happy writing and enjoy crafting your documents with a polished look!

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