July 27, 2024

Hello Excel enthusiasts! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to compare two columns in Excel? Whether you’re trying to find differences, similarities, or specific values, Excel offers a variety of powerful functions to get the job done. In this blog post, we’ll explore six different methods to compare two columns in Excel, each with its unique applications and benefits. So, let’s get started!

  1. Conditional Formatting: Highlighting Differences

One of the simplest ways to compare two columns is by using conditional formatting. This feature allows you to highlight cells based on specific conditions, such as whether they are equal, not equal, greater than, or less than the corresponding cell in the other column.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Select the two columns you want to compare.
  • Click on the ‘Home’ tab.
  • In the ‘Styles’ group, click on ‘Conditional Formatting’.
  • Hover over ‘Highlight Cells Rules’ and select the type of comparison you want to make, such as ‘Equal To’.
  • In the dialog box that appears, Excel will automatically suggest a value based on your selection. If you want to compare with a different value or cell, enter it in the box.
  • Click ‘OK’. Excel will highlight the cells that meet your condition.
  1. IF Function: A Powerful Comparison Tool in Excel

The IF function is a more advanced way to compare two columns. It allows you to return different values depending on the comparison result.

Here’s how to use the IF function to compare two columns:

  • In a blank cell, enter the following formula: =IF(A2=B2, “Equal”, “Not equal”). Replace ‘A2’ and ‘B2’ with the cell references you want to compare.
  • Press ‘Enter’. The function will return ‘Equal’ if the cells are equal and ‘Not equal’ if they are not.
  1. VLOOKUP Function: Finding Corresponding Values

The VLOOKUP function is a powerful tool that can compare two columns and return a corresponding value from a third column. For example, you can use it to find a product’s name based on its ID in your online excel sheet.

Here’s how to use the VLOOKUP function:

  • In a blank cell, enter the following formula: =VLOOKUP(A2, B:C, 2, FALSE). 
  • Replace ‘A2’ with the cell reference containing the lookup value, 
  • Replace ‘B:C’ with the range containing the two columns to compare.
  • Finally, replace ‘2’ with the column number that contains the return value.
  • Press ‘Enter’. The function will return the value from the second column that corresponds to the lookup value in the first column.
  1. XLOOKUP Function: A More Flexible Alternative

The XLOOKUP function is a newer, more flexible alternative to VLOOKUP. It can return a corresponding value from any column, not just from a column to the right of the lookup column.

Here’s how to use the XLOOKUP function:

  • In a blank cell, enter the following formula: =XLOOKUP(A2, B:C, 2). 
  • Replace ‘A2’ with the cell reference containing the lookup value
  • Replace ‘B:C’ with the range containing the two columns to compare, and replace ‘2’ with the column number that contains the return value.
  • Press ‘Enter’. 

The function will return the value from the second column that corresponds to the lookup value in the first column.

  1. COUNTIF Function: Counting Matching Values

The COUNTIF function can count the number of cells in a column that match a value in another column. For example, you could use it to count the number of products in stock based on their IDs.

Here’s how to use the COUNTIF function:

  • In a blank cell, enter the following formula: =COUNTIF(B:B, “10”). 
  • Replace ‘B:B’ with the range containing the column to count.
  • Replace ’10’ with the value to count.
  • Press ‘Enter’. The function will return the number of cells in the range that contain the specified value.
  1. SUMIF Function: Summing Values Based on a Condition

The SUMIF function can sum the values in a column that match a value in another column. For example, you could use it to sum the total sales for products in stock based on their IDs.

Here’s how to use the SUMIF function:

  • In a blank cell, enter the following formula: =SUMIF(B:B, “10”, C:C). 
  • Replace ‘B:B’ with the range containing the column with the condition, 
  • Replace ’10’ with the condition to meet, and ‘C:C’ with the range containing the values to sum.
  • Press ‘Enter’. The function will sum the values in the range that meet the condition.


Comparing two columns in Excel is a common task that can be accomplished using various functions and techniques. Whether you’re looking to highlight differences, find matching values, or perform specific calculations based on comparisons, Excel has got you covered.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Try experimenting with these functions using different scenarios and datasets to become an Excel comparison wizard. Happy Excel-ing! 📊

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